Working to break gender and cultural stereotypes, Trisha K. Arora is a driven young woman with a passion for two things: her culture and the media. Both being major aspects in Trisha’s life she combines both to create the perfect balance. Trisha is an Indian girl at heart with an American touch. As a writer, TV & radio personality, event coordinator, host, MC and Youtuber, her scintillating personality combined with her enthusiasm and wit come together to entertain audiences of all sizes, ages and communities.


A Different Path

The past few years have been some of the most memorable and eye opening years of my life. They have been filled with growth and plenty of realizations. My whole life I felt like an outcast, figuring who I wanted to be. My one constant was my writing. But what happened that made me want to stop? I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way.

I felt that as my priorities in life shifted that no one would be interested in reading about my boring old life. I felt if I wasn’t doing interviews or hosting events I had nothing to share, so I stopped sharing. I could have brought this blog to be what it was truly meant for, could have brought it to it’s full potential. But what made me drop it so suddenly? The fear of being NORMAL. The past few years have helped me realize that although my life has changed (in a good way), It doesn’t mean I don’t have anything to share. Yes, my career path in the past was definitely more exciting, and hopefully as time goes on I may go back into event hosting, but that does not mean my current stories are any less special.

In these past few years I’ve traveled to places I’ve been waiting to see for years, made some amazing lifelong friends, built a new career I’m personally very proud of, and I’ve found happiness. Sure there have been bumps in the road, as there are with every story- but I always meant for this blog to be real, not sugar coated. The real deal is this: life gets busy, sometimes you lose sight of what makes you happy, but you will always find your way back and always find a way to incorporate the things you love into your life. Lately for me it’s been a handwritten journal rather than a digital one. I plan on posting here more, eventually. Hopefully sooner rather than later. I forgot how nice it is to post here and I hope that others can relate.

No matter how normal or boring we may think our lives are sometimes, there is something unique about each of our stories, and hopefully soon I’ll be able to share more of my stories with those who are still around reading blogs and following my content.


Letter to Myself